∞ For the first time, more than half (53%) of advertising spend in China is online.
∞ According to Snapchat, video completion rates go up 9x times when the video plays fullscreen in comparison to a landscape video shrunk into a portrait screen. (1/3)
[Fast Company]
∞ Apparently, Snapchat's creative team has pored over the last 50 years of TV programming to better understand the shift their own product is enabling - hence the frequent mention of TV parallels. (2/3)
[Fast Company]
∞ An example is Snapchat's focus on channel-surfing effortlessly, literally just by swiping out. Snapchat supercharges discovery not by building elaborate menus and synopses (like Netflix, for eg.), but by making content quick to taste. (3/3)
[Fast Company]
∞ A study of global consumers shows that 57% watch videos on their mobile phone every day. This is just a smidgen away from the 58% watching videos on their laptop or desktop everyday.
∞ Google is discontinuing 30-second unskippable preroll ads on Youtube, but effective only from 2018. (1/2)
[The Drum]
∞ It is not the end for unskippable ads though. 15- and 20-second unskippable preroll ads, along with 6-second bumper ads, will still be around. (2/2)
[The Verge]
∞ According to Nielsen, sports programmes accounted for 93 of the 100 most viewed broadcasts in 2015, compared with only 14 ten years earlier. (1/2)
[The Economist]
∞ Despite declining viewership, spending on ads for sports has risen rapidly by 50% in the decade to 2015 (while advertising rates in general have been flat or declining in most of the industry) because programming that attracts large audiences has gotten scarcer. (2/2)
[The Economist]
∞ Facebook is deploying machine learning technology to police ads - for housing, employment or credit opportunities - that are using its targeting capabilities in a discriminatory manner.
February 23, 2017
Iqbal Mohammed is Head of Innovation & Strategy at a digital innovation agency serving the DACH and wider European markets. He is the winner of the WPP Atticus Award for Best Original Published Writing in Marketing & Communication.
You can reach him via email or Twitter.

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